Assisting Clergy
Rev Christine Readman
Rev Vic Hall
Rev Shirley Thomson
Fr Mitchell Porter
Fr Kevin Bourke
Rev Mitchell Porter
Hospital Chaplain
Bevan Lobley
0417 602 868
Clerical Canons
The Rev’d Canon John McKim
The Rev’d Canon Helen Houghton
The Rev’d Canon Jeffrey Akoai
The Rev’d Canon Deborah Kachel
Lay Canons
Canon Loryanna Smith
Canon Mary Gallagher
Canon Kristi Day
Canon Patrick Williams
Church Wardens
Philip Allnutt
Leigh Kennedy
Dean and Rector
The Very Reverend and Venerable Dr Kenneth Lay
Assistant Clergy
Rev Christine Readman
Assistant Clergy
Rev Kevin Burke
36 Cleveland Terrace, Townsville
PO Box 108
Townsville, Qld, 4810
Telephone: 0423 833 451
Or contact the Dean,
The Very Reverend
Dr Kenneth Lay
0422 148 952 or
For donations to St James Cathedral or to the Mission of the Month (please name Mission)
Account Name: Church Wardens of St James Cathedral General Account
BSB: 034 222
Account Number: 250713